Strategic Benefits of Augmented Reality

4 Strategic Benefits of Augmented Reality

July 07, 2022 14:35 PM

Strategic Benefits of Augmented Reality

It's been almost 30 years since Augmented Reality (AR) was first introduced to the tech industry's glossary. AR Technology was introduced to the world by Boeing as an internal tool for aiding design. But no one could have imagined that it would be a widespread technology. AR apps are now so readily available that even the most optimistic person would not have dreamed of it.

We know how quickly AR has become part of our everyday lives. AR's immersive reality experience has become so standard that it is no longer considered an exotic technology. This is a good thing for businesses. Businesses must be able to connect with customers online even if they cannot meet them in person.

Augmented or virtual: What's the difference?

Virtual and augmented reality both offer the same experience, but there are significant differences. The AR allows for partial immersion and is fully immersive. Your user can view and interact with artificial objects in the expanded layer of augmented reality.

AR uses markers and sensors to locate simulated objects and spot their current positions. This technology creates the image that will appear on your camera.

VR uses the same markers and math algorithms as in real life, but the environment is entirely simulated. The graphic responds to user movements, such as turning his head or moving his eyes.

Expansion of the AR Market

Digi-Capital's fundamental "Augmented/Virtual Reality Report Q22015" shows that the AR/VR market will grow to $150 billion by 2020. The market share for augmented reality is $120 billion. VR will receive $30 billion.)

Juniper Research's latest market study shows that both industrial and enterprise markets will be able to take $2.4 billion in 2019, according to Juniper Research. The difference is impressive compared to the $247 million that was received in 2014.

Juniper expects that augmented reality will be more popular among businesses because of the worldwide technology explosion, software advancements, and the prevalence of wearables. Although adoption will slow down until the end, it is expected to be widespread by the end of this decade.

AR Enables Unique Opportunities for Immersive Reality

Others are exploring AR in new ways, including the creation of AR-based social networking. Snappy allows users to create AR videos and location-based messages. Snappy members can create AR videos and experience location-based AR in their cities. All users are using the Snappy app on mobile devices.

WallaMe is one example of a business model that engages people. It allows them to go out and search for AR experiences. This is similar to what Pokemon GO did a few years back. You can leave AR-based messages almost anywhere and on any product in the real world. Once a WallaMe friend has the location, they can go there and view it live.

Augmented Reality Brings the Shop to the Customer

Companies such as IKEA are using AR to allow their customers to see how IKEA furniture would look in their homes. It's a wonderful experience to be able to place a virtual piece of furniture in your home and then see how it would look if it was there.

The converse is also getting into AR. A shoe sampler app that allows customers to experience the AR capabilities of Converse shoes Converse and IKEA created systems that are more engaging than other apps that just drive customers to the market. Their AR apps enable users to visually experience the shoes as if they were their own.

These apps are deeply engaging and answer the question, "What will this product look like on you?" Or what would it look like in my home?

The Sephora app, which allows for online shopping, also features an AR makeup area that lets potential customers try blushes, eye shadows, lipsticks, lashes, and more. AR allows the product to be applied virtually to the user's face. It is possible to apply the product in real time without taking photos. The app makes it easy to use, entertaining, and enticing for people who wear makeup or accessories.

Here's a question most businesspeople would ask. Is Augmented Reality app development worth the investment? Are there any benefits to augmented reality that justify the time, money, and effort required?

4 Strategic Advantages of Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality offers four key benefits that can't be ignored. They are tangible and produce tangible results, so brands have begun to leverage AR to their advantage. These are just a few of the many benefits of augmented reality:

Provides distinctive customer experiences

1:Augmented Reality has the greatest advantage: it creates digital experiences that combine the best of both the digital and physical worlds. It doesn't require any special software or hardware to enjoy the experience.

Augmented Reality services can be experienced using a variety of smartphones and apps. AR's latest innovations have made it possible for users to access immersive experiences via web browsers.

How are AR experiences different from other experiences? We know that audio-visual experiences are most popular in either the digital or physical realms. Augmented reality blends both realities. This creates a mirage effect by placing digital components on top of physical components.

Users can point their phones at tourist attractions when they are within easy reach. The AR app displays digital snippets of information on the screen when viewed through it. This allows the user to simultaneously consume both physical and digital information. The Apple Park Visitor Center is a perfect example.

Visitors to the Apple Park Visitor Center have the opportunity to explore the area at different times of day and night using an iPad.

2. It eliminates cognitive overload

Do you remember how it felt to repair an automobile using a manual? You will soon realize how bad it is if you try. There is nothing wrong with support manuals or docs. However, they are not designed to help novice users understand how to fix things. It is especially important if the model you are replacing does not match the engineering and car's, previous models.

Cognitive information overload is what we mean. Cognitive overload is when your working memory has to process more information than it can handle normally. It can lead to frustration and hinder your ability to make decisions. Amateur users often struggle to fix something by looking at lengthy support documents.

Augmented reality can solve this problem. Augmented Reality presents information in concisely summarized digital snippets. The user doesn't have to process too many details to conclude. AR allows users to quickly identify components by their size or see star ratings for restaurants.

3. heightens user engagement

Augmented Reality was initially viewed as a technology that could be used for entertainment and gaming. It has evolved to many other uses that can bring about solid business benefits. One such benefit is increased user engagement.

If there is one priority business leaders want to prioritize in 2021 and beyond, it will be improving user engagement. It is the key to many other benefits. It can bring many benefits for both a new and established business, such as increased spending and brand loyalty. It is about providing the right content at the right time for the audience to engage.

Because of the large user base, brands could only engage with customers through print years ago. However, in 2020, 83.1 million consumers in the US were estimated to have used AR every month (three kits).

AR can be used in many ways to increase user engagement. AR is exciting because of its novelty and ability to provide information in a fast and digestible way.

Pepsi's London bus stop advertisement attracted more attention than any TV or print ad. Augmented Reality was used to pull it off. It is perhaps the best advertisement that shows Augmented Reality's benefits in advertising.

4. Competitive differentiation

Brands need to distinguish themselves in a market with many competitors offering the same products at the same price range. Brands> have relied on traditional advertising channels to distinguish themselves.

Augmented Reality can help them get out there with creative campaigns that will place them differently in a competitive market.

Let's look at Nike as an example. Sportswear is one of the most competitive and densely populated markets. Nike is a well-known brand that has been around for many years. However, it takes extra effort to maintain its market position and attract millennial customers. This is especially true when there are so many innovative products out there.

With its AR app, Nike was able to cement its position as a global brand. You've probably been shoe shopping recently and know how difficult it can be to find the right size shoe. Sometimes, the measurements of the brand don't correspond with your actual size. Nike's Augmented Reality tool has been created to help customers determine their size. This tool scans your feet with your smartphone camera and returns the size you need.

The app provides additional information about the shoe and data that makes shopping fun rather than a tedious task. Augmented Reality is a powerful tool that can be used to create unique campaigns.

A Nutshell

We, humans, spend more time staring into screens of different sizes as a species. Digital experiences have been integrated into our reality. We have been programmed to rate brands based on their ability to deliver digital experiences.

Augmented Reality is a mixed reality technology that brands can use in such situations. Augmented reality is the only technology capable of blending digital and physical reality.

Augmented Reality offers many strategic benefits to businesses that should not be overlooked. Augmented Reality can help you win attention, differentiate yourself from your competition, and simplify processes for customers.

Augmented Reality is a great way to get the benefits of Augmented Reality in plain sight. The question that you should ask is not whether or not to adopt Augmented Reality, but when.

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