How Much Does It Cost to Build a Power App?

Power App Development

MAY, 31, 2024 14:50 PM

How Much Does It Cost to Build a Power App?

Creating a Power App can significantly enhance your business operations by automating processes, increasing efficiency, and integrating seamlessly with other Microsoft products. However, understanding the cost implications of building a Power App is crucial for budget planning and project management. This blog will delve into the various factors influencing the cost of developing a Power App and provide a comprehensive overview to help you make informed decisions.

Understanding Power Apps

Microsoft Power Apps is a suite of apps, services, connectors, and a data platform that provides a rapid application development environment to build custom apps for your business needs. It enables users to create business apps quickly with little or no code. Power Apps allows you to interact with data stored either in the underlying data platform (Microsoft Dataverse) or in various online and on-premises data sources like SharePoint, Microsoft 365, Dynamics 365, SQL Server, and more.

Factors Influencing the Cost of Building a Power App

App Complexity and Scope
  • Simple Apps: These are straightforward applications with basic functionality, limited integrations, and standard user interfaces. Examples include simple data entry forms, inventory trackers, or basic reporting dashboards.
  • Medium-Complexity Apps: These apps have more features, multiple integrations, custom user interfaces, and more complex workflows. Examples include task management systems, customer feedback tools, or service request systems.
  • Complex Apps: These are highly customized applications with advanced functionalities, extensive integrations with multiple systems, sophisticated user interfaces, and complex business logic. Examples include enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, customer relationship management (CRM) systems, and large-scale project management tools.
Development Time
  • The development time required to build a Power App directly affects the cost. Simple apps might take a few days to a couple of weeks to develop, whereas complex apps can take several months. The more features and customizations you need, the longer it will take to develop the app.
Developer Expertise
  • The cost can vary depending on whether you hire a freelancer, an in-house developer, or a specialized development agency like PerfectionGeeks Technologies. Experienced developers or agencies with a proven track record in Power Apps development might charge higher rates, but they bring valuable expertise that can ensure the success of your project.
Licensing Costs
  • PowerApps licensing is a significant part of the overall cost. Microsoft offers different licensing options depending on your needs.
    • Per-App Plan: This plan allows users to run one app or access one portal for a specific price per user per month.
    • Per-User Plan: This plan enables users to run unlimited apps and portals for a higher price per user per month.
    • Additional Capacity Add-Ons: Depending on your data storage and integration needs, you might need additional capacity, which incurs extra costs.
Third-Party Integrations
  • If your Power App needs to integrate with third-party services or APIs, the cost can increase. This includes integration with services like Salesforce, SAP, or custom APIs, which might require additional development effort and possible subscription costs for the third-party services.
Maintenance and support
  • After the initial development, ongoing maintenance and support are necessary to ensure the app remains functional and up-to-date. This includes bug fixes, updates, performance optimizations, and possibly scaling the app as your business grows.

Estimating the Cost of Building a Power App

Let's break down the potential costs associated with building a Power App into different categories:

Development Costs
  • Freelancers: Freelance developers typically charge hourly rates, which can range from $30 to $150 per hour depending on their expertise and location. For a simple app, development might take 40–80 hours, while a complex app could require 400–800 hours or more.
  • In-House Developers: Hiring in-house developers involves salary and benefit costs. The average salary for a Power Apps developer in the US ranges from $70,000 to $120,000 per year.
  • Development Agencies: Agencies like PerfectionGeeks Technologies offer comprehensive development services, which might be charged on a project basis. The cost can range from $10,000 to $50,000 for simple apps and can exceed $200,000 for complex enterprise-level apps.
Licensing Costs
  • Per App Plan: $5 per user per app per month.
  • Per-User Plan: $20 per user per month for unlimited apps.
  • Additional Capacity: Costs for additional storage or other capacities vary. For example, extra database capacity can cost around $40 per GB per month.
Third-Party Integration Costs
  • The cost of integrating with third-party services depends on the complexity and the specific APIs used. Subscription costs for third-party services also need to be considered, which can range from a few dollars to several thousand dollars per month.
Maintenance and support costs
  • Ongoing maintenance and support can range from 15% to 20% of the initial development cost annually. This covers bug fixes, updates, and potential enhancements to the app.

Example Cost Breakdown

Power App Development

Let's consider an example to illustrate the potential costs involved in building a Power App:

Example 1: Simple Inventory Tracking App
  • Development Time: 60 hours
  • Freelancer Rate: $50 per hour
  • Development Cost: 60 * $50 = $3,000
  • Licensing Cost: 10 users * $5 per user per month * 12 months = $600 annually
  • Third-Party Integration: None
  • Maintenance and Support: 15% of $3,000 = $450 annually
  • Total First-Year Cost: $3,000 (development) + $600 (licensing) + $450 (maintenance) = $4,050
Example 2: Medium-Complexity Task Management App
  • Development Time: 200 hours
  • Agency Rate: $100 per hour
  • Development Cost: 200 * $100 = $20,000
  • Licensing Cost: 50 users * $5 per user per month * 12 months = $3,000 annually
  • Third-Party Integration: $500 one-time setup cost + $50 per month subscription = $1,100 first year
  • Maintenance and Support: 15% of $20,000 = $3,000 annually
  • Total First-Year Cost: $20,000 (development) + $3,000 (licensing) + $1,100 (integration) + $3,000 (maintenance) = $27,100
Example 3: Complex Enterprise CRM System
  • Development Time: 800 hours
  • Agency Rate: $150 per hour
  • Development Cost: 800 * $150 = $120,000
  • Licensing Cost: 100 users * $20 per user per month * 12 months = $24,000 annually
  • Third-Party Integration: $2,000 one-time setup cost + $500 per month subscription = $8,000 first year
  • Maintenance and Support: 15% of $120,000 = $18,000 annually
  • Total First-Year Cost: $120,000 (development) + $24,000 (licensing) + $8,000 (integration) + $18,000 (maintenance) = $170,000

Hidden costs to consider

  1. Training and onboarding
    • Ensuring your team knows how to use the new Power App effectively may require training sessions. The cost of training materials, workshops, or hiring a consultant should be considered. This could range from a few hundred to several thousand dollars, depending on the scale of training required.
  2. Change Management
    • Introducing new technology can impact workflows and business processes. Change management costs, including communication, training, and support during the transition period, should be factored in.
  3. Customization and Scalability
    • As your business grows, you may need to scale or customize the Power App further. The initial development cost does not always cover future enhancements or scalability. Be prepared for additional investments over time.
  4. Data Migration
    • If you are migrating data from existing systems to your new Power App, data migration costs need to be accounted for. This includes the cost of data extraction, transformation, loading, and validation.
  5. Compliance and security
    • Ensuring that your Power App complies with industry regulations and security standards might involve additional costs. This could include third-party security audits, compliance certifications, and implementing advanced security measures.

How PerfectionGeeks Technologies Can Help

PerfectionGeeks Technologies offers comprehensive Power Apps development services tailored to meet your specific business needs. Here's how we can help:

  1. Consultation and planning
    • We start with a thorough consultation to understand your business requirements, objectives, and the scope of the Power App. This helps us plan the project effectively and provide an accurate cost estimate.
  2. Custom Development
    • Our team of experienced developers can create custom Power Apps that align with your business processes. We ensure that the app is user-friendly, efficient, and integrates seamlessly with your existing systems.
  3. Quality Assurance
    • We prioritize quality and perform rigorous testing to ensure that your Power App is bug-free, secure, and performs optimally under various conditions.
  4. Deployment and support
    • We assist with the deployment of your Power App and provide ongoing support to address any issues, perform updates, and make necessary enhancements as your business evolves.
  5. Training and documentation
    • We offer training sessions and detailed documentation to ensure that your team can use the Power App effectively and leverage its full potential.
  6. Scalability and Future Enhancements
    • We design Power Apps with scalability in mind, allowing you to easily add new features and capabilities as your business grows.


The cost of building a Power App can vary widely depending on various factors such as the complexity of the app, development time, developer expertise, licensing, third-party integrations, and ongoing maintenance. By understanding these factors and planning accordingly, you can ensure a successful and cost-effective Power Apps project.

At PerfectionGeeks Technologies, we are committed to delivering high-quality Power Apps solutions that drive business growth and efficiency. Whether you need a simple app for basic tasks or a complex enterprise solution, our team has the expertise to bring your vision to life. Contact us today to discuss your Power Apps project and get a customized quote tailored to your business needs.


1. What is the average time required to develop a Power App?

The development time for a Power App varies depending on its complexity. Simple apps can be developed in a few days to a couple of weeks; medium-complexity apps may take several weeks to a few months; and complex enterprise-level apps can take several months to complete. A detailed project scope and requirements analysis can provide a more accurate estimate.

2. Can I use Power Apps without any coding knowledge?

Yes, Power Apps is designed to be user-friendly and allows users to build applications with little or no coding knowledge. The platform offers drag-and-drop functionality, pre-built templates, and a variety of connectors to facilitate the app development process. However, for more complex requirements, coding knowledge or professional assistance might be needed.

3. What types of businesses can benefit from Power Apps?

Businesses of all sizes and industries can benefit from Power Apps. Whether you are a small business looking to automate simple tasks or a large enterprise seeking to enhance complex processes, Power Apps provides the flexibility and scalability to meet diverse business needs. Industries such as finance, healthcare, manufacturing, retail, and education are particularly well-positioned to leverage the capabilities of Power Apps.

4. How secure are Power Apps?

Power Apps leverages the robust security features of Microsoft’s cloud infrastructure, ensuring high levels of data protection and compliance. Features include data encryption, role-based access control, and integration with Azure Active Directory for authentication. Additionally, regular updates and security patches from Microsoft help maintain a secure environment.

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