
Everything You Need to Know About Content Moderation

Everything You Need to Know About Content Moderation

Oct 3, 2023 12:02 PM

 Content Moderation

The digital realm is constantly changing, as user-generated content is one of the significant engines. People are now more likely to believe the opinions expressed by users online than the information offered by organizations and companies. Find out more about content moderation and the basics of this.

Unimaginable volumes of images, text, and videos are published each day. Businesses require a method to keep track of the content websites host. This is essential for maintaining an environment that is safe and secure for your customers, as well as for monitoring social media's impact on perceptions of brands and adhering to official regulations.

Content moderation is the most efficient way to accomplish all of this. It allows online businesses to provide their customers with a healthy and safe environment.

What is Content Moderation?

Content moderation is screening unsuitable content that users upload to the platform. The procedure involves using rules set by the platform for regulating content. If it doesn't comply with the guidelines, then the content is flagged and taken down. The reasons could be diverse and include violence, offensiveness or extremism, nudity or anti-speech, copyright violations, etc.

The purpose of moderation of content is to ensure that the platform is safe for users and adheres to its Trust and Safety program. Content moderation is extensively used by dating and social media apps, website forums, marketplaces, and other platforms.

Why is Content Moderation Important?

Because of the vast amount of content created every second, the platforms built on user-generated content struggle to keep up with offensive and inappropriate content, pictures, videos, and images.

Moderating content on your website is the sole method to ensure that your company's website code is consistent with your standards and also protects your clients and your brand's reputation. With this help, you can ensure that your website's purpose is met by what you've created for it instead of providing space for violence, spam, and explicit content.

Modification of Content Types

Various factors are considered when deciding on the most effective method to manage content moderation on your platform, for instance, your business's goals for user-generated content as well as the particulars of your users.

Here are the significant types of content moderation procedures that you can select to promote your brand:

  • Automated Moderation

    Modern-day moderation relies heavily on technology to speed up the process and make it fair. AI platform-powered algorithms can analyze text and images within a fraction of the time individuals need to spend, and, perhaps most importantly, they aren't subject to psychological traumas due to the processing of inappropriate content.

    When you're talking about text, automated moderation can filter out keywords classified as potentially harmful. Advanced systems can detect patterns of conversation and analyze relationships as well.

    For image recognition, AI tools such as Imagga provide a feasible option to monitor video and images and stream live. These tools can identify inappropriate images and offer various ways to control the levels of threshold and the different types of visually sensitive images.

    Although technology-powered moderation is becoming ever more accurate and efficient, it's not able to completely replace human moderation, particularly in more complicated situations. So, automated moderation combines the technology of moderation and humans.

  • Pre-Moderation

    It is the most complex method of tackling content moderation. It requires that each article be screened before publication on your site. If a user publishes text or an image, the post goes into the queue for review. It is only live when a moderator has explicitly accepted the post.

    Although this is the most secure method of blocking dangerous content, the process is a bit slow and unsuitable for the fast-paced world of online However, some platforms that need the highest degree of security still use this moderation technique. One example is platforms designed for children, where the safety of users is a top priority.

  • Post-Moderation

    Post-moderation is the most common method for content screening. Users can publish their content whenever they like. However, all posts are being screened. If a post is flagged, it will be deleted to protect other users.

    Platforms try to cut down review times so that unsuitable content does not remain online for a long time. While post-moderation may not be the same as pre-moderation, it's still the preferred method for most digital businesses today.

  • Reactive Moderation

    Reactive moderation relies on users reporting any content they consider unsuitable or in violation of the rules of your platform. It could be a helpful solution in certain situations.

    Reactive moderation is a good option as a stand-alone method, or it can be combined with post-moderation to get the best results. In the latter, users can mark content even after it has gone through the moderation process, which means you'll have a double safety net.

    If you choose to go with only reactive moderation, there are a few risks you need to think about. An automated system sounds lovely, but it could result in inappropriate content staying in the public domain for too long. This could cause long-term reputational harm to your brand.

  • Distributed Moderation

    This moderation depends entirely on the online community to scrutinize the content and eliminate it when required. The users use ratings to indicate whether content conforms to the guidelines set by the platform.

    This technique is not widely utilized because it presents severe challenges to brands regarding their brand reputation and compliance with the law.

What does an editor do?

 Content Moderation

The job of a content moderator is to ensure that the content generated by the users (UGC) that you host is not contaminated by fraud or illicit content and does not harm your users. Moderators review user-generated content in real-time, ensuring that it is in line with the requirements of your business and guidelines.

There are two methods to control content. Both can be utilized independently or in conjunction.

  • Manual moderation of content: A moderator examines and filters your entire content, seeking out illegal, obscene, or dangerous content. It's a fairly extensive process that could help detect subtle variations or words of the day. However, the drawback is that it's a lot longer than an automated system, particularly if your platform has a large amount of UGC.

  • Automated moderation of content: Artificial technology filters content created by users to determine what content needs to be removed. AI assists teams in optimizing the process of regulating content. Utilizing AI to moderate content can ensure the security of your platform by quickly identifying and responding to content that should be removed. AI is also improving at interpreting meanings from words, so it could be a great starting point for you if it's within your budget to hire or assign moderators.

  • The most important tasks of a content moderator are:

  • Content screen: A moderator of content monitors all content created by users that you publish on your site. They oversee all areas of your platform where user-generated content could be published or shared, such as chat live streams, comments, and forums for community members. If you utilize AI for moderating content, the moderator will supervise the process to ensure the moderation is precise.

  • Implementing company policy: The corporate or community guidelines define precisely what type of content or languages are not allowed on your website. Moderators of content will require an understanding of these guidelines to know what content they should remove and what to do about those who are causing trouble.

  • They are finding new ways to moderate content: Content moderators are on the front lines of moderation, and they can enhance their work. For instance, the moderator of your content may suggest implementing new tools such as AI to help you find content faster or suggest a more efficient filtering feature to developers who want to build.

What skills does a content moderator need?

A successful content moderator will have a good knowledge of what it takes to filter content. They've been moderators previously or have been active members of an online community that is moderated.

If you have a large amount of content that needs to be moderated, the moderator must have experience screening content. Moderators of content should be focused, observant, and focused on detail.

  • Most moderators of content have:

  • Experience in screening content: This is the most essential ability since it's the primary component of a moderator's work. Your content moderator must review a considerable amount of content and make crucial decisions regarding removing any content that could harm your reputation and brand among your customers.

  • Attention to detail : Content moderators must look through a great deal of content without skimming it, so they can spot dangerous or illegal content available on your platform. A keen eye for the finer details can be helpful to ensure they don't miss any information.

  • Analytical skills: A moderator's task is to examine every piece of content and determine what's damaging or non-harmful. Certain items aren't certain if they violate the guidelines of your organization. For instance, a person could make use of slang terms that are relatively new and haven't been included in your guidelines for prohibited content. In this instance, if the moderator of content finds the use of a term or language that violates the guidelines of the community, they collaborate with the appropriate departments to revise the guidelines. They are also responsible for distributing changes to the guidelines to the community.

  • A good time-management skill: This is crucial for moderators of content who need to screen content manually. Content moderators need to be able to sort through all the content that users create on your platform quickly.

  • Language experience: It's advantageous if your moderator has experience in linguistics or is multilingual. This means they'll be able to filter content unavailable in English or their primary language. Online platforms are accessible to anyone around the globe, so there's no guarantee that all illegal or harmful content will be available in English.

  • You might also require your content moderator to possess capabilities matching the content they'll moderate.

The advantages that a content moderator can provide for the process of product development

Moderators of content help you reduce the risks associated with the use of user-generated content. They create an appropriate space for your users, safeguarding your brand's reputation and ensuring all content is legal.

It helps protect your brand image and reputation

A negative image of your brand can be expensive if your customers develop an unflattering image of your community because you allow damaging content to appear on your platform, which could result in losing customers and revenue. Content moderators can protect your brand's image by ensuring the content you publish is in line with those rules and will remove any content that does not.

Content moderators know the specifics of your company's policies and its culture. They have the best way of safeguarding your brand from fraudsters and others who want to damage your reputation. For instance, if someone pretends to be an employee and propagates fake information regarding your business and products, the content moderator could identify and eliminate the content.

Content Moderation Solutions

While human reviews are required in various situations, technological advancements offer effective and secure methods to speed up the moderation of content and make it more secure for moderators. Hybrid models of work provide unimaginable scalability and efficiency in moderating.

Tools that are powered by artificial intelligence Tools powered by artificial intelligence, such as PerfectionGeeks Content Moderation Solution, have enormous potential for companies that depend on vast amounts of content created by users. Our platform allows automatic filtering of harmful content, whether photos or videos, and live streaming.

The platform lets you establish your own moderation rules and thresholds while on the move. You can alter the various elements of the automated moderation process to ensure that the process is as efficient and exact as you require.

Integrating PerfectionGeeks into your workflow and empowering your human moderation team with a feature-rich automated solution that enhances their performance is easy. AI-powered algorithms can learn as they go, and the more you utilize the platform, the better it'll be at recognizing the most commonly used types of content you're dealing with.

The PerfectionGeeks Company is available to the extent most appropriate for your needs, whether on the cloud or as an in-house solution.



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