Implementing Agentic Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) using Langchain


MAY, 27, 2024 15:00 PM

Implementing Agentic Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) using Langchain


The landscape of natural language processing (NLP) and artificial intelligence (AI) is continuously evolving, with innovative methodologies and frameworks emerging to tackle increasingly complex tasks. One such innovation is Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG), a powerful technique that enhances the capabilities of language models by combining the strengths of retrieval and generation. When implementing RAG, the goal is to create AI systems that not only generate coherent and contextually relevant text but also have access to an external knowledge base to retrieve precise information.

Langchain, an open-source framework, is at the forefront of this revolution, enabling developers to build sophisticated NLP applications with ease. In this blog, we will explore the concept of agentic RAG and demonstrate how to implement it using Langchain. By the end of this comprehensive guide, you will have a thorough understanding of Agentic RAG, its applications, and a step-by-step implementation process using Langchain.

Understanding Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG)

What is RAG?

RAG is a hybrid approach that combines retrieval-based and generation-based models to leverage the strengths of both methods. Traditional generation models, such as GPT-3, generate text based solely on the input prompt and their internal knowledge, which may be limited or outdated. On the other hand, retrieval-based models search an external knowledge base to find relevant documents or passages but do not generate new content.

RAG bridges this gap by integrating a retriever model with a generator model. The retriever searches a knowledge base for relevant information based on the input query, and the generator uses this retrieved information to produce more accurate and contextually rich responses. This approach enhances the model's ability to handle tasks that require up-to-date knowledge or specific information not present in the training data.

Key Components of RAG
  1. Retriever: The retriever component is responsible for searching an external knowledge base to find documents or passages relevant to the input query. Common retrieval techniques include TF-IDF, BM25, and neural retrievers like Dense Passage Retrieval (DPR).
  2. Generator: The generator component takes the retrieved documents and the original query as input to generate a coherent and contextually appropriate response. This is typically done using a transformer-based model like GPT-3 or BERT.
  3. Knowledge Base: The knowledge base is a large corpus of documents that the retriever searches to find relevant information. This could be a database of scientific papers, Wikipedia articles, company documents, or any other relevant text corpus.
Agentic RAG: Enhancing RAG with Agency

Agentic RAG builds on the foundational concepts of RAG by adding a layer of "agency" to the system. In this context, agency refers to the ability of the AI system to make autonomous decisions about which actions to take in order to fulfill a given task. This involves not only retrieving and generating text but also determining the most effective strategy for achieving the desired outcome.

Why agentic RAG?

Traditional RAG systems are reactive—they respond to queries by retrieving and generating relevant information. However, complex tasks often require proactive behavior, where the AI system takes initiative, interacts with multiple sources, and dynamically adjusts its strategy based on the evolving context.

Agentic RAG empowers the AI system to:

  1. Decide on the Retrieval Strategy: Choose the most appropriate retrieval techniques and sources based on the query's nature.
  2. Iterate and Refine: Continuously improve the response by iteratively retrieving more information and refining the generated content.
  3. Interact with External Systems: Communicate with other systems or APIs to fetch real-time data, perform calculations, or access additional resources.
  4. Adapt to Context: Adjust its behavior based on the user's preferences, the task's complexity, and the available information.
Implementing agentic RAG using Langchain

Langchain provides a robust framework for building agentic RAG systems. Let's dive into a step-by-step implementation process.

Step 1: Setting up Langchain

First, you need to install Langchain and other necessary libraries. You can do this using pip:

pip install langchain pip install transformers pip install faiss-cpu

Langchain is designed to be modular and extensible, making it easy to integrate with various retrieval and generation models.

Step 2: Preparing the Knowledge Base

For this example, let's assume we are using a corpus of Wikipedia articles as our knowledge base. You need to preprocess and index this corpus to enable efficient retrieval. Langchain supports several indexing techniques, including Faiss for fast similarity searches.


from langchain.indexes import FaissIndex from langchain.document_loaders import Wikipedia Loader # Load Wikipedia articles loader = WikipediaLoader() documents = loader.load() # Create a Faiss index index = FaissIndex() index.add_documents(documents)

Step 3: Implementing the Retriever

Langchain allows you to use various retrieval techniques. Here, we will use a dense retriever based on a pre-trained BERT model.


from langchain retrievers import   DenseRetriever from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModel # Load pre-trained BERT model, and tokenizer tokenizer = AutoTokenizer. from_pretrained('bert-base-uncased')     model = AutoModel. from_pretrained('bert-base-uncased')  # Create a dense retriever. retriever = DenseRetriever(model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer, index=index)

Step 4: Implementing the Generator

For the generation component, we will use the GPT-3 model provided by OpenAI. Ensure you have an API key from OpenAI to access GPT-3.


from langchain.generators import OpenAIGenerator import OpenAI # Set up an OpenAI API key. openai.api_key = 'YOUR_API_KEY' # Create a GPT-3 generator generator = OpenAIGenerator(model_name='text-davinci-003')

Step 5: Building the Agentic RAG System

Now, we combine the retriever and generator to create the agentic RAG system. We will implement a basic agent that retrieves relevant documents, generates a response, and refines it based on feedback.


class AgenticRAG: def __init__(self, retriever, generator): self.retriever = retriever self.generator = generator def answer_query(self, query, iterations=3): context = "" for _ in range(iterations): # Retrieve relevant documents retrieved_docs = self.retriever.retrieve(query) context = "". join([doc['text'] for doc in retrieved_docs]) # Generate a response response = self.generator.generate(context=context, prompt=query) # Feedback loop (simplified for this example) if self.is_satisfactory(response): break else: query = self.refine_query(query, response) return response def is_satisfactory(self, response): # Simple heuristic for checking if the response is satisfactory return len(response.split()) > 50 def refine_query(self, query, response): A simple method to refine the query based on the response return query + "more details" # Instantiate and use the Agentic RAG system agentic_rag = AgenticRAG(retriever, generator) response = agentic_rag.answer_query ("What are the benefits of using RAG in NLP?") print(response)

Advanced Features and Customization

Advanced Retrieval Techniques

Langchain supports advanced retrieval techniques, such as hybrid retrieval, which combines sparse and dense methods, and neural retrievers fine-tuned on specific datasets. You can customize the retriever based on your specific needs.

Custom Generators

In addition to GPT-3, you can integrate other generator models like T5, BART, or custom-trained models. Langchain's modular architecture makes it easy to switch between different generators.


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from langchain.generators import T5Generator from transformers import T5Tokenizer, T5ForConditionalGeneration # Load T5 model and tokenizer t5_tokenizer = T5Tokenizer.from_pretrained('t5-large') t5_model = T5ForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained('t5-large') # Create a T5 generator t5_generator = T5Generator(model=t5_model, tokenizer=t5_tokenizer) # Use the T5 generator in the Agentic RAG system agentic_rag = AgenticRAG(retriever, t5_generator) response = agentic_rag.answer_query("Explain the concept of quantum computing.") print(response)

Real-time Data Integration

Agentic RAG can interact with external APIs to fetch real-time data. For example, you can integrate a weather API to answer weather-related queries.


import requests class RealTimeRetriever: def __init__(self, api_url): self.api_url = api_url def retrieve(self, query): response = requests.get(self.api_url, params={'query': query}) return response.   json()     # Example usage with a weather API weather_retriever = RealTimeRetriever(api_url='') agentic_rag = AgenticRAG(weather_retriever, generator) response = agentic_rag.answer_query (What's the weather like in New York?") print(response)

Applications of Agentic RAG

Agentic RAG has numerous applications across various domains:

  1. Customer Support: Enhancing customer support systems by providing accurate and contextually relevant responses to customer queries.
  2. Education: Assisting in educational platforms by offering detailed explanations, solving problems, and providing up-to-date information.
  3. Healthcare: supporting healthcare professionals with the latest medical research, guidelines, and patient-specific information.
  4. Finance: providing financial advisors and clients with real-time market data, analysis, and personalized financial advice.
  5. Legal: Assisting legal professionals with case law research, document drafting, and legal advice based on the latest regulations and precedents.
Challenges and Future Directions
  1. Knowledge Base Maintenance: Keeping the knowledge base updated with the latest information is crucial for the system's accuracy and relevance.
  2. Computational Resources: Implementing RAG systems, especially with large models like GPT-3, requires significant computational resources.
  3. Context Management: Managing and maintaining context over long conversations or complex queries can be challenging.
Future Directions
  1. Improved Retrieval Models: Developing more advanced retrieval models that can understand and process complex queries more effectively.
  2. Better Context Management: Enhancing context management techniques to maintain coherence and relevance over extended interactions.
  3. Multi-Modal Integration: Integrating multi-modal data (text, images, and audio) to provide richer and more comprehensive responses.
  4. Personalization: tailoring responses based on individual user preferences, history, and behavior to provide a more personalized experience.


Implementing agentic RAG using Langchain offers a powerful approach to building advanced NLP systems that can retrieve relevant information and generate contextually appropriate responses. By combining retrieval and generation techniques with an agentic framework, these systems can proactively handle complex tasks and adapt to dynamic contexts. Langchain's modular architecture and extensive support for various models and techniques make it an ideal framework for developing such systems.

As we continue to push the boundaries of NLP and AI, the potential applications of agentic RAG are vast and varied, promising significant advancements in how we interact with and leverage AI technology in our daily lives and professional endeavors.

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