Business Intelligence vs Data Mining Comparison - PerfectionGeeks

Business Intelligence vs. Data Mining: A Comparison

Business Intelligence vs Data Mining

With the increasing popularity of metaverse and crypto world, the role of business Intelligence is increasing. Business Intelligence turns data into actionable information. It assists in optimizing companies' strategic and tactical business decision-making using the tools, infrastructure, and best practices that allow access to operational facts and figures. Data Mining refers to the process of identifying patterns in large amounts of raw data. It uses different perspectives to classify the data into useful information that can be used to identify business problems. Many data-driven companies use "business intelligence" and "data mining interchangeably. However, they are two different things. Combining BI and data mining allows companies to use their data to monitor consumer preferences and behaviour changes. As a result, companies can predict what their customers want.

Business Intelligence

The Business Intelligence team will take the Organization's complex data into useful information. This information will help the business determine what is working and what isn't, improve the business, and what the future holds. Many organizations use Business Intelligence to understand their customers and market better. This describes how raw data is converted into useful information that aids in decision-making.

Benefits of Business Intelligence

Business analytics and intelligence can have many applications. However, suppose we are talking about the benefits of retail intelligence. In that case, it is important to note that business intelligence tools allow organizations to use data to predict future sales and forecast patterns and trends, and understand the customer's needs on a deeper level.

These are the business intelligence techniques.

Data analysis visualization

Data analysis visualization refers to how you visualize your data. It displays data in dashboards and uses customized metrics to help you make better business decisions.


Business intelligence tools allow you to gather information from multiple sources and process it to provide better reporting and financial decision-making.

Predictive Analytics

Predictive analytics is about how you can tell if an enterprise IT strategy will succeed. You don't know the answer, and it is not 100% accurate even if you do. Business intelligence can help you decide based on evidence to improve your business. Business intelligence allows you to predict the trends and customer behaviour that will impact your organization’s overall development

Here are the steps involved in Business Intelligence.

  • • Combine the Organization's complex raw data
  • • Analyze the data
  • • Visualize the data in a meaningful way
  • • These facts will help businesses make intelligent decisions to ensure the well-being of their Organization.

Business Intelligence service tools are plentiful and can be used by any company to improve its business.

  • • MicroStrategy
  • • Tableau
  • • QlikView
  • • Sisense
  • • Oracle Enterprise BI Service
  • • IBM Cognos Intelligence
  • • icCube
  • • Accurate Business Intelligence and Reporting (BIRT).
  • • DOMO
  • • SAP Business Objects

Data Mining

It is the extraction of knowledge or useful information. Data mining is the process of identifying interesting patterns and knowledge in large data sets. Data sources can include web, databases, data warehouses, and raw data dynamically streamed into the system. Data mining allows you to find useful information from a sea of data. An organization has a lot of data. Data is worth nothing unless it can be converted into useful information. It takes to analyze the data and turn them into useful information.

What is data extraction for a business?

Data mining in business is becoming more popular with new technologies such as Big Data. Big data is a large amount of data that can easily be analyzed using computers to reveal certain patterns and useful information that humans can comprehend. Therefore, simple statistics without manual interference will not work with these data sets. Data mining techniques meet this requirement. It transforms simple data statistics into complex data mining algorithms.

Data mining extracts useful information from raw data, such as photos, videos, and files, to create useful reports for decision-making in any organization.

Data Mining Process

Data mining involves the following steps:

  • 1. Business understandings
  • 2. Data Understandings
  • 3. Data preparation
  • 4. Modelling
  • 5. Evaluation
  • 6. Deployment

Data Mining Tools

Digital technology allows us to generate large amounts of data in a matter of seconds. Therefore, it is important to know different tools and data mining techniques to manage all this data. Data mining tools are a collection of methods that can be used to analyze data and to determine relationships between data sets.

Data Mining is a process that extracts valuable information from large amounts of data. Data Mining also involves the following processes:

• Cleansing your Data

It can handle incorrect, corrupt, or irrelevant data

• Integration of Data

Combining multiple data sources to create meaningful information

• Selection of Data

The database will contain data that is relevant for data analysis.

• Data Transformation

Converts data to a specific format that is suitable for mining

• Data Mining

Data patterns will be extracted if required

• Data Analysis: Identifying patterns

Based on interest measures, will extract patterns that represent information or knowledge.

• Information or knowledge presentation

Present the mining knowledge to the business using various visualizations

Data Mining provides valuable information and knowledge that can be used for many different purposes.

  • • Management Analysis
  • • Market Analysis
  • Risk Management
  • • Corporate Analysis
  • • Customer Management
  • • Fraud Detection

There are many data mining software options, but these are the top ones on the market.

  • • R-Programming
  • • RapidMiner (YALE)
  • • WEKA
  • • Orange
  • • Knime
  • • Data Melt
  • • SPARK
  • • Hadoop

Data mining techniques

Classification The assignment of objects (observations and events) to one of the previously-known classes.

  • Regression, including forecasting tasks. The dependence of continuous output on input variables.
  • Clustering is a grouping or collection of objects based on data properties. These properties describe the essence of the objects. Cluster objects must be identical and distinct from other objects in the same cluster. Clustering will be more accurate if there are more similarities between objects in the cluster and fewer differences.
  • Association: The identification of patterns among related events.
  • Sequential Patterns: It refers to establishing patterns between time-related events.
  • Deviation analysis Identifying the most unusual patterns.

Business Intelligence vs. Data Mining

Data mining for business analytics and business intelligence have the same goal: to help business managers make better, informed decisions based on evidence.

The key difference between BI & data mining is in root cause analysis.

Data mining can help you understand why something went wrong.

Data mining allows for in-depth analysis. BI and data mining tools can work with KPIs at different depths. While BI monitors and reports, data mining uncovers and visualizes. BI can be used to monitor and report on KPIs. Its weakness is in its assumption that processes are predictable and occur as expected. On the other hand, data mining is ready for unexpected causality, flawed processes, and any number of other problems that might arise at any time.

This is because data mining does not assume anything and relies on root cause analysis to report.

How Business Intelligence and Data Mining Work Together

Although business intelligence and data mining may be very different, they work best when used together. The data collected is unstructured and raw. Data mining is a way to decode complex data and provide a more readable version for business intelligence teams to gain insights. Data mining also allows for the analysis of smaller data sets. This allows businesses to pinpoint the root cause of a trend and then use business intelligence to suggest ways to capitalize on it. Data mining is a powerful tool that analysts can use to find the right information and then analyze it using business intelligence tools. Companies can also use data mining to understand the "what," which will allow them to develop business intelligence that answers the "how" or "why."Companies that invest in BI tools and data mining tools can perform, test, and interpret complex analyses in real-time. As a result, data mining and business intelligence result in more efficient processes and higher financial returns.

Future of Data Mining in BI

No surprise, the demand for business intelligence and data mining is increasing due to big data and cloud computing availability. As more companies go data-driven, on-premises solutions will soon be obsolete. On-premises solutions are difficult to store multiple datasets, but they also fail to provide the foundation for data mining and business intelligence.

Cloud solutions can store large data sets. Cloud platforms can also connect to many data mining and business intelligence tools. Stakeholders can also use the cloud to access the information they require instantly. Data mining specialists can create data pipelines that feed BI tools directly instead of waiting for reports to run for hours or days. Stakeholders can log in to the BI tool and run a report within minutes.

Data Mining: How to Get Started

Cross-Industry Standard Process for Data Mining is a great guideline for data mining. Reach PerfectionGeeks Technologies as we follow the standard that was established decades ago and remains a popular guideline for companies just beginning to do data mining. It is very easy to make mistakes in data mining. Therefore, if the leaders of an organization don't have statistical or analytical knowledge, they should not supervise data mining. Inaccurate mining techniques could lead to incorrect models that are inaccurate. If the team uses personally identifiable information for data mining activities, they should adhere to compliance regulations and governance standards.



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Stage 7 - Maintenance and Updates

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